Dealing with Deep Trauma

Dealing with Deep Trauma

For those of us who’ve experienced deep trauma, it’s normal that we develop behavior patterns in response to that. So many times, I overlooked my internal guidance system and ended up inviting more distress into my life. #cellularsetpoint...
Remove your Stress

Remove your Stress

Here we are mid-August, living with uncertainty and in lockdown times for some of us. Today I want to remind you of something that is super special about YOU! It’s something that can easily be forgotten, especially when times are stressful and uncertain. The universe...
Stop Shopping and Start Feeling

Stop Shopping and Start Feeling

  I wanted to talk about what we’re actually doing when we’re buying all of the things when we’re sad, frustrated, bored or not feeling right.   We are actually hurting our happiness. We do live in a very consumer-driven world. (If you...
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