
Here we are mid-August, living with uncertainty and in lockdown times for some of us.

Today I want to remind you of something that is super special about YOU!

It’s something that can easily be forgotten, especially when times are stressful and uncertain.

The universe has your back.

You have a wonderful ability to make decisions and choices in every moment of your life.

I know that sometimes it can all seem too much.

After speaking to many people over the last few months I wanted to share a simple set of questions to ask yourself when you feel emotionally triggered. These questions help you regulate your nervous system, calm down, AND have a new point of action to take. The action made purposefully and not impulsively.

They are so simple AND powerful I kept a copy on the phone as a screensaver when I was first using them so I could access them in any situation. (If these questions resonate, I suggest you do the same)

  • What is my meaning?
  • Where is the feeling?
  • How is my breath and body?
  • What feeling do I want instead?
  • What is the first action I am now taking?

When you talk yourself through these questions, your body automatically responds by relaxing, you get to take back charge of your breathing and you get a simple action step to move you forward. SIMPLES!

Let me know how you progress with using these.

If you love this and want to work with me on removing your stress and adding more of your personal bliss to your world, you can book in a fifteen-minute call with me to discuss how we can best work together.

Click this link here: http://bit.ly/SuperChargeYourHappySesh

You are an amazing human, I love you and I am here for you.

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