Or why I would tell myself to not get into business….
Today I am sharing a brutally honest opinion as I review my life and the decision to go into business fo myself and contemplate my life if I had of chosen to stay in employment.

When I decided to go the path of setting up a coaching businessI had zero fucking idea on what I really needed to be doing.
I was pumped up win the juice of personal development seminars and the false belief that all I needed to do is tell people how I could help them and boom: clients would rain down out of the sky throwing cash and accolades of brilliance and love at me.
I was super conditioned to be a worker.
Burnout is NEVER a good reason to start a business.
To take a holiday, yes but start a business….. NO FUCKING WAY.
Yet off I went with a smile, enthusiasm and a lot of people telling me I was on the way to change thousands of lives and making loads of cash.
So what didn't work?

I didn't understand:
- What a niche was and why I needed it.
- What marketing was and how it worked.
- The technology was totally foreign to me.
- I still thought like an employee.
Not everyone is cut out for being in business unless they do the inner work first and/or start with a side hustle.
I would go back to myself ten years ago and say "Hey chick, take a holiday before you decide about starting a business.
You can do this but lets keep a part time job because the cash flow for the first five years is not what you're used to as an employee.
Also you need to use discernment on who you work with and be careful of peoples agendas when they are offering support.
You don't have to sacrifice your life for a dream. If it's not working, let it go and start over.
Maybe just do coaching as a side hustle and go back to your job. The security, freedom and peace of mind is worth it."
As you can see, I went all in.
It hurt me long term, so many things suffered.
- Emotional health
- Relationships
- Super annunation
- No holidays
Are just a few things.
Consider a side hustle to get you started.
Make sure youre clear on the big picture and the details of what youre looking to build.
There is no rush to quit your job inspire of what the all in gurus say.
If you decide you're in for a business, get support.
Not just business support but mindset and imposter voice support.
Getting help to become a business owner from the very start of my experience would have made all the difference to my results.
That's why I now do the work I do.
The inner work is critical for your success.
All the systems in the world won't make business fun if you're stressed out of your mind.
Stop the sacrifice and struggle before you begin.
If you choose to begin at all….
👑 🌼 🤩 👑 🌼 🤩
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