
5 Credibility Boosters for New Coaches
New to coaching and don’t have many clients yet? Worried about credibility?
DON’T! Read this e-book to get you started
The Happiness Journal eBook
Journal your way to happiness. 101 Prompts for creating a mindset to live a life you don’t need a holiday from.

Supercharge Your Happy
Find out the best way for you to amplify your happiness every day and in every moment.
Discover Your Shadow
The Ultimate Quiz to discover the Shadow Value you most need to embrace to up level your life

Want to get started lifting your performance in life, love and business?
11 authors share their tips and tools for you to be able to change your patterns of behaviour to patterns for success!
I personally share my experiences and changes made in my own life to go from working in a career I hated, struggling against my own mental health to healed and happy.
Order you copy of the Elevate Your Performance Book TODAY!
Let’s Work Together
Trudi will get you growing and fast, with custom coaching packages designed to match your EXACT professional development and business needs.